Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Good Air, Beautiful Sunshine

Buenos Aires. Good, intoxicating air. The weather is glorious and makes it hard to think of leaving. Everyone is winding down and sitting around the pool. I sat on the terrace with Matt, my dear friend's son who lives here. We chatted and shared our present lives. I loved seeing him.

Folkloric Dancer Through A Window
The ranch was beautiful, about a 90 minute drive outside of town. There was a display of equestrian beauty and gaucho skill that was exciting to watch, a typical feast of Argentine steak and chicken, crafts and folkloric dancers.

The tango show told the story of the rise of the tango from the barrios to the present. We went to El Querandi, had tapas, a drink and watched the show. I would have enjoyed more seeing dancers on the streets but no time.

All in all a bountiful and rich Christmas Day The best gift of all was being in such lovely surroundings with one of my dearest friends from San Miguel.

What a perfect trip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sallie: I met you on the ship and we talked about photography. I enjoyed your blog - it brings back wonderful memories of a trip which is already fading as I am back in the reality of life in London. Many thanks. Barbara