Sunday, January 06, 2008

The Trip Has Ended. Now the Editing Begins

Above: Four Gauchos at Rest. December 25, 2007
One of my favorite "human" photographs taken during our trip is this one shot behind the scenes at the ranch we visited outside of Buenos Aires on Christmas Day. The gauchos had finished their show of horsemanship and while we were being feted with an Argentine style barbecue and folkloric dancers, these guys were taking a well earned rest.

I returned home midday on December 27, just in time to get ready to ring in the New Year. After the initial round of "Welcome Home" greetings and a flurry of visits, things have quieted down. Now the mammoth task of sorting through thousands of images is in full swing. My goal is to produce an online story using Soundslides Plus and or Picasa.

As I edit images I will add at least one or more to the blog each day but in no particular order. The idea is just to keep the blog fresh and interesting for now until the project is more fully developed.

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